Audiology Services

Comprehensive Hearing Examinations

The first step in improving your hearing is an assessment of your current hearing abilities. Our licensed audiologists are highly experienced in the accurate diagnosis of hearing loss. Using a carefully calibrated piece of equipment called an audiometer, we will determine the softest levels at which you can detect different tones as well as your ability to understand speech. Occasionally, additional testing is completed to help identify specific conditions that may be affecting your hearing. A hearing examination typically takes about 15-30 minutes to complete. 

Following the hearing examination, we will counsel you on the results to assure you fully understand how your hearing ability is impacting communication. Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including some losses that may be treated through medical or surgical intervention. In the event that such a hearing loss is detected, you will be referred to a local Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) doctor. More commonly, hearing aids are required to rehabilitate hearing loss. If hearing aids are determined to be the appropriate treatment option, our audiologists will discuss the different options available to you.

Hearing Aid Evaluation

Following a diagnosis of hearing loss, we will consult with you regarding your listening needs, lifestyle, physical capabilities, and personal concerns to make a recommendation for the most appropriate hearing solution.  There is not a one size fits all solution for patients with hearing loss. Our audiologists will discuss the different options available and provide demonstrations of the different technology and styles available. Our pricing is fair and upfront, and we do not apply high pressure sales tactics that are far too commonplace in today’s marketplace. We also work with most insurance companies. If your insurance plan includes hearing aid benefits, we will verify your benefits and submit insurance claims on your behalf.

Hearing Aid Fitting & Follow up

Once a decision is made to purchase hearing aids, your hearing aids will be ordered and you will be scheduled for a hearing aid fitting. At your fitting, the hearing aids are programmed based on your specific hearing loss. You will be counseled on the important aspects of use, care and maintenance, including how to put the hearing aids in and out of your ears, changing batteries, cleaning, etc. Although a lot of information is provided at the time of your hearing aid fitting, our audiologists are excellent in making sure you are not overwhelmed.

Follow-up programming and services are almost always needed to fine-tune your hearing aids to assure they are meeting your needs. It is common for individuals to take some time to adapt to all the new sounds you will hear, especially first-time hearing aid users. Typically, you are seen within 1 to 2 weeks following the hearing aid fitting for additional programming as you become more comfortable with your hearing aids. Once you are comfortable with the hearing aids, our audiologists like to see patients every 6 months (or sooner if needed) for additional follow-up to clean and check the hearing aids. All hearing aid purchases come with a 30-day trial period. If you are not satisfied with the hearing aids, you can return them for a full refund.

Real Ear Measurements

The size and shape of the ear canal can drastically affect how sound travels through the ear. To account for differences in ear canal geometry, real ear measurements are needed to verify the hearing aids are properly amplifying for each individual’s hearing loss. Real ear measurements are performed by placing a small microphone in the ear canal along with the hearing aid. We then measure how much sound is traveling to the eardrum, and programming changes are made to assure the hearing aids are meeting the prescribed amplification based on your hearing loss. Real ear measurements are the best way to objectively verify hearing aids are meeting your needs.

Hearing Aid Cleaning & repairs

Hearing aids require routine maintenance and cleaning to ensure they continue to provide maximum benefit. Even if you did not purchase your hearing aids through our clinic, we can still service them for you.

Like all electronic devices, hearing aids tend to break down over time and need to be repaired. All hearing aids purchased through Becker Audiology come with a manufacturer’s warranty. The audiologists at Becker Audiology will troubleshoot any issues with your hearing aids, and we can often fix it in house. If your hearing aid requires repair from the manufacturer, we will overnight your hearing aid to the manufacturer to get them back to you and hearing as soon as possible.

Hearing Aid Reprogramming

We can help you get the most out of your hearing aids even if you didn’t purchase them through our clinic. We can reprogram your devices if you’ve relocated, aren’t happy with your current provider, or if you’ve inherited hearing aids from a loved one.

Custom Hearing Protection & Musician’s Plugs

Exposure to loud noise is one of the leading contributors to hearing loss. Sudden impact sounds (i.e. gunshot) and prolonged exposure to loud noise (i.e. rock concerts, working in a factory) both contribute to noised-induced hearing loss. For individuals who are exposed to loud noise, the use of hearing protection is the best way to minimize the negative long-term effects of noise on your hearing.

There are many store-bought solutions, including earmuffs and moldable foam ear plugs, which can be quite effective in protecting you hearing. However, many individuals require a custom solution. Becker Audiology offers custom earplugs that are made from an earmold impression of your ear.

Custom earplugs are typically considered more comfortable and provide better protection for the wearer.  For individuals who frequently need to use hearing protection due to occupational and/or recreational noise exposure, custom earplugs may be right for you.

Professional and non-professional musicians are often exposed to excessively loud noise levels. However, conventional hearing protection often does not provide an acceptable solution as it can muffle or alter the quality of music. Due to the unique needs of musicians, Becker Audiology provides custom musician’s plugs with specialized filters that provide protection for your hearing while preserving sound quality at the same time. Contact our office to learn about the different options available for your needs.

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